Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The First and The Last Malaysia Week

Thrilling, exciting, and stimulating!! These are the 3 vocabularies that represents my first Malaysia Week at the rainforest site called KKB. (Kuala Kubu Baru)
My favorite activity in our site was... of course tubing!! If you don't know what tubing is, tubing is a activity that we did in a river. You ride on a big black float ring and you just go down the river with a wind blowing your face and your hair. The one thing I can really promise you is..... IT IS FUN!! I think you really should try at least once in your life, because you might feel like you are going to die... (==
My heart pounding with excitement and stimulation. The river rapids swallowing rocks and not letting anyone or anything come near by, the water spattering up in the air like a shiny marbles, I gazed at the river standing, having an air of importance, right in front of me. We took a turn to go, and I was after a girl called Lauren. I stared the river sweeping her bright pink bathing suit and was gone, vanished, and I realized Ms. Khairudden padding on my shoulder to let me know it was my turn. I hopped on to my tube and was now frightened as I watched at the thick wood stick disappearing at the huge slope, which also swept Lauren. I held on to my tube, which was the only thing I could hold on to make me feel safe, even though it didn't support me from falling...
"Here I go!!"
I thought, as Ms. Khairuddin shoved my tube forward, towards the river, where I could not see anything after that, it was like a black hole. The rapids welcomed me to the vertical sweep, making my hands squeeze on my tube. I felt going backwards and suddenly... "SPLASH!!" I was still squeezing my hands on my tube and was welcomed by the rope from one of our guides. I pinched myself... I could feel it, it wasn't a dream...
"I DID IT!!"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Sour Legs and The Basketball Game...

Today(Jan.15th), our basketball team had an fantastic game with Mont Kiara International School. This was my first game ever since I started play in the team.

As the referee blew the whistle, the big orange basketball flew high in to the air. I jumped with my sour legs and smashed the ball to my team mates and here we go, the game has started. I looked around the basketball court and there they were, the great pass from my team. I dribbled passing around the people, running towards the basket and set up for the lay-up. The basketball went in to the basket with a thud. There, we are winning now! I thought about the winning with excitement as I looked at the electric score board that says 2:0.

2:2, 4:2, 6:2, 6:4... we fought fabulously with tall people and the score was showing 10:4 until the last 8 minutes. I took a shot that didn't go in to the basket like I expected, suddenly the HUGE pain came to my thigh and to my bones. I wouldn't stand still but I tried to chase the basketball as hard as I could. I can run. I said that to myself to cheer up my body and my legs. But with a sudden, the basketball was in front of me and passed... I couldn't run or anything but just standing there and waiting for the ball to pass me. Our couch (Ms.Jennings) came up to me and asked me if I was OK. I said OK but actually I wasn't OK, my legs were burning that I could barely walk.

Somehow I was sitting on the bench and the another girl was playing my place. Ms. Jennings told me to stretch my thigh, which I did. I stretched my sour thigh and looked at the score board, it was 16:14 and we only had 5 more minutes to do. I didn't care about the score but i just wanted to play again. I looked at my sour thigh and I knew I couldn't. 1 more minute! I thought, I thought that we can win if we keep this score and not let them to score.

The referee blew the whistle as the basketball was on the ground. I looked at the score board and there they are 16:18 . I couldn't believe, only one basket. We lost the whole game only by A basket. I was mad at myself by the time the game ended. Only if my defences were better... and didn't let that girl to score once... Only once, we might have win this game... Only if my legs were normal...

My sour thigh and the basketball game was the worst game but at the same time it is the BEST memory... I think... (==